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Skeleton and Black Onyx Gemstone Bracelet

Skeleton and Black Onyx Gemstone Bracelet

Regular price $10.00 USD
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White skeletons with black obsidian beads.  

Black obsidian is a powerful healing crystal that can benefit the body, mind, and spirit. It is known to help with issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Black obsidian is also said to be helpful in releasing negative energy and emotions.

Digestive System

Obsidian is effective at easing indigestion and other stomach problems by reducing acidity in the body.


Those who suffer from muscle aches or tendonitis can benefit from the grounding properties of this stone. It helps to ease pain, stiffness, and inflammation caused by these conditions


This stone is thought to improve circulation, which can reduce inflammation and ease joint issues

Black Obsidian Emotional benefits

The black obsidian stone also has healing properties for your emotional well-being and mind. This strongly protective stone can remove negative energies and prove the following benefits:


It’s said that the black obsidian crystal absorbs bad vibes, so you should carry one in your pocket when entering a negative or stressful environment. This will prevent any negative energy from affecting you. It has been found that obsidian is effective at reducing stress, which can increase your productivity and make you feel less overwhelmed.


Being surrounded by dark energy can cause depression, which is why this stone is thought to be beneficial for those who are grieving or have recently suffered a traumatic loss.


When you’re feeling angry, this stone is thought to absorb the anger-causing energy and put it into a state of balance


This stone will help you to feel empowered by increasing your strength and motivation. It’s also said to be helpful for those who are dealing with self-esteem issues.

Self Care

Black obsidian can be used to balance the energy within your chakras. This stone will help you to heal spiritually, emotionally, and physically

Mental Clarity

Obsidian is a strong cleanser, so it can help to stimulate your mind by clearing away negative energy. This will improve your concentration


The dark energy within this crystal can deflect negative energy, so it’s an excellent choice for those who wish to stay protected at all times. This will also reduce feelings of vulnerability and prevent you from absorbing any other people’s negativity.


Obsidian is a strong grounding stone that can remove negative energy, so this stone will help to prevent you from feeling ungrounded. This is beneficial for those who are experiencing spaciness or confusion.


Those who struggle with addiction may benefit from carrying an obsidian stone because it has the ability to prevent the energy from being addictive. This stone will also help to prevent any cravings that you have for addictive substances or behavior.


It’s thought that obsidian can remove blockages within your chakra system, which will restore balance and harmony to your mind and body. This is why this stone is often recommended for those who are experiencing a disorganized or scattered energy field.


Obsidian is a helpful stone for those who need to find their purpose and passion in life. It can increase your motivation and give you the willingness to pursue your dreams and desires.

Black Obsidian Chakras

The black obsidian crystal will remove any blockages within the chakras, which is beneficial for those that do not believe in a life after death. Many cultures view their existence as being contained within the physical body, so those who have little to no belief in an afterlife will benefit from using black obsidian for chakra cleansing and balancing.

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra (Muladhara), also known as the Base Chakra, is the first of the main Chakras. It boasts a connection to the earth element and helps ground and balance you. When open, it will stabilize your mind and body, allowing you to seek the support you need. It may also help you release anxiety and fear.

Black obsidian has a special relationship with the root chakra. Together, they will remove any blockages that are present in the root chakra and promote a healthy flow of chi throughout this area of your body. If you hold black obsidian during meditation, it will help you to recognize any self-defeating thoughts or emotions that might be blocking your mind from reaching its full potential.

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